* Facts: A SOA-Factor means a Significant Other Acceptance Factor. We have borrowed the expression from Steve Lefkowicz at Positive Feedback. SOAF is absolute relevant as soon as more than the hifi-enthusiast is involved in the decisions of how to furnish the living room with hifi gear. You can´t imagine how many SOAF there is (and what they have caused)! We will explain them step by step according to relevance and actuality. – Keep smiling and listening!
SOAF 1: Placement
Larsen Ortho Acoustic Speakers are very different from traditional front firing speakers. The fact that all our speakers must be placed flush against the rear wall in the listening room to perform the best make them different. Very different. Very few other high-end speakers are competing with these floor standing towers when it comes to placement. We are among the few constructed to use reflections from ceiling and walls and balancing reflected and direct radiating sound waves.
Traditional front firing speakers must be placed as stated in “the golden rectangle rule” to perform their best. In a normal living room it means al least 3 feet (90 cm) from the backwall to reduce reflections and boomy bass. From side walls the distance must be 1,6 times the distance from the back wall on both sides. So to furnish a living room with traditional front firing high-end speakers is a kind of a job. To this you can add the refurnishing when it is time to play to figure out where in the room the sweet-spot is.